Tag Archives: lady gaga’s self-moistening crevices

Merry Christmas!

by Harry

Merry Christmas to everyone who managed to find us tucked away in this little corner of the internet over the last few months.  The New Year should hopefully bring solid-gold content aplenty, or, more likely, the usual stuff.

We hope that Santa brings you New Music by the sackload, but let’s face it, we’re all likely to receive the odd iffy present from a distant relative.

Merry Xmas Baby‘Ooooh, he’s always listening to music, why don’t we get him that music-related thing that we’ve got no idea whether or not he’ll actually like?’

So, sympathies to everyone who receives something horribly inappropriate, whether it’s the Scouting For Girls 2010 Calendar, a hot air balloon ride with Duran Duran, or the life-size Lady Gaga doll with self-moistening crevices.

If you get something truly awful, please let us know below…