About Steve Merchant’s Posse

The Steve Show was, for a brief period from January 2007 to May 2009, a radio show.  With guests, talking, news on the half-hour, and everything.

Helmed by Stephen Merchant and assisted by various hangers-on, the show was broadcast on BBC 6Music every Sunday (except when we were on holiday, which was quite often).  We tried to provide an eclectic musical smorgasbord – freed from the tyrannical constraints of the playlist, we played whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, unless it had a massive bit of swearing in it.

Listeners would be invited to share their favourite tunes with us and the rest of the audience, and in that spirit of sharing, giving, and intermingling, this blog was born.

Stephen Merchant is, frankly, way too busy for this sort of thing.  He’ll contribute from time to time, but come on, blogging?  Seriously?  There ain’t no BAFTAs for blogging.

Luckily, his old sidekicks have little better to do than get excited about music and offer up their thoughts here for your interest, excitement, and smart-arse comments.

Dan, Harry, Rufus and Sammy will regularly post here to discuss recent finds, long-forgotten favourites, and whatever else may spill from their brains, dribble through their fingers and splatter onto your screen.

steveshowposse.com is without doubt the best place to get the occasional thoughts of the people who used to laugh in the background on what was one of 6Music’s most listened-to shows between 3.30 and 5.30 on a Sunday afternoon.

Steve and Posse, Last Show, May 2009

This website is not affiliated with the BBC in any way.  The views expressed here are those of the individual contributors
steveshowposse.com strongly believes that ‘interactivity’ is the new ‘reading something, having a think about it and never discussing it again’
Therefore we welcome your comments via the comments box on each page
Note: We were hosted on SteveShowPosse.com but we carelessly lost our domain to some overseas outfit. They have continued to use our content though. But this is under Harry’s management via his pal who likes Spirit 🙂

2 thoughts on “About Steve Merchant’s Posse

  1. bammyjo32

    i love S.M so much he is so smart and hot…. if he was single i would so go out with him…. LUV HIM SO MUCH i only went to see hallpass just becoz he was in it LOL but i luv his work with ricky and karl (podcasts) follow me on twitter by the name of joanna coyle i am the blonde 1 LOL luv jojo


  2. JessLinno

    When I found out about Steve’s stand up tour ‘Hello Ladies’, I was shocked to find that he was hoping to find himself a wife through the tour. I cannot believe that someone like Steve could have any sort of trouble finding himself love. He’s amazingly funny, incredibly handsome and has the voice of a god! I’d count myself the luckiest girl in the world to be on the arm of someone like him. I hope this tour goes the way he wants and he finds someone..
    And if not, and he’s willing to date someone younger and WAY below himself, then I’d be happy to oblige 😉



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